
Some important things to note, are that you can only activate a “Bloom Filter” on a celestial body you own (like all artifacts), so first, you must take over that huge planet you want to fill! And also, that “Bloom Filters” are single use - try saving them for key Planets your want to get online quickly, or use them on a Quasar for massive resource reserves!

This planet had sent all its energy for an attack, but now is completely full again! No waiting required (other than for the blockchain transaction to confirm)!

This planet had sent all its energy for an attack, but now is completely full again! No waiting required (other than for the blockchain transaction to confirm)!


In the early game, a lucky “Bloom Filter” or two can quickly begin your empire on solid footing. Being able to get level 4 planets (with a rare “Bloom Filter”) levelled up quickly, and working on larger planets will make your empire begin to expand exponentially, and has the added benefit of scaring your neighbors - hopefully forcing them to continue their expansion away from you.

In the mid-late game, “Bloom Filters” can be used in many ways. Firstly, as an emergency device - if your planet is beginning to get worn down by an enemy, filling it up can help drain your opponents energy as more attacks will now be required to get that celestial body they were after. Secondly, in warfare, it can be used to send mass amounts of energy towards an adversary in quick succession - one or two “Bloom Filters” on a level 6 planet can add up to several million energy if used on a fully upgraded, Corrupted planet (even more, if the planet has a x2 Energy Capacity Moon!).

Don’t be fooled, this planet may look like a juicy target, but if the player uses the “Bloom Filter”, it may just be a waste of your time and energy (but, maybe they are asleep… 🛌 )

Don’t be fooled, this planet may look like a juicy target, but if the player uses the “Bloom Filter”, it may just be a waste of your time and energy (but, maybe they are asleep… 🛌 )