
The “Black Domain” artifacts allow you to destroy celestial bodies, rendering them untargetable, and removing their ability to make moves. The show up on in-game as the celestial body with a semi-transparent, black orb cover.

Each rarity of “Black Domain” allows you to target celestial bodies up to a certain level:

Common: Level 2; Rare: Level 4; Epic: Level 6; Legendary: Level 8; Mythic: Level 9.


Some important things to note, are that you can only activate a “Black Domain” on a celestial body you own (like all artifacts), but unlike other artifacts, “Black Domains” cannot be deactivated, so be certain you want to use it before accidentally taking out one of your best planets!

This planet has been “Black Domained” - it can no longer receive or send moves, generate resources, or otherwise be interacted with. The black colouration, and pink & black stripes on the information page show its unusable status.

This planet has been “Black Domained” - it can no longer receive or send moves, generate resources, or otherwise be interacted with. The black colouration, and pink & black stripes on the information page show its unusable status.


Since “Black Domains” can only be activated on a planet owned by the player, it is often the case that a “Black Domain” will be sent along with a large amount of energy to ensure that the target planet is captured by the player whom wishes to destroy it. Players will often combine this artifact with a “Photoid Cannon” attack, making it incredibly difficult to defend against, as the attack will land much quicker and with far more energy (read: damage) than a normal attack.

There are also defensive plays that can be made. If an enemy player is trying to conquer one of your own celestial bodies, and you believe you are going to lose it permanently, then a well placed “Black Domain” can thwart your enemies advances on your territory. Often, a player can coax another player to expand lots of energy trying to conquer a key planet, only for them to “Black Domain” it before the other player has a chance to take control (when an attack is on its way, and cannot be defended against).

Whilst these artifacts can take some practice to understand the optimal times of use, they can be incredibly powerful in the hands on an experienced player.

A scary sight! This player is ready to strike, with both a Photoid Cannon and a Black Domain to send along with it!

A scary sight! This player is ready to strike, with both a Photoid Cannon and a Black Domain to send along with it!