NOTE: More surprise prizes may be announced during the game !

This rounds primary win condition is proximity to the center of the universe. This idea was first explored in Dark Forest v0.6 Round 3: Grape Extra-Small.

Players can claim one planet every 4 hours, and their score will update to reflect how far away it is from the center of the universe. Be careful though, as if the planet is destroyed, then its score wont count, and your score will update to your next closest claimed planet.

Please note, that only planets of level 3+ can be claimed for score. You will need to fight for the closest planets, or maybe considering destroying your enemies planets!

The prizes will mainly be divided into three parts.

Part I : Artifacts

After player withdraw artifacts through spacetime rip, they can transfer the ERC721 artifacts from the game contract to their player account.


Part II: Ares Epic

All players who get score will receive Ares Epic NFT.

Ares Epic will be generated directly from the data in game contract.

The specific design will be announced after the game ends.

Below is the AresLoot for round 2, which can serve as a reference.
